Saturday, 2 April 2011

12 January 2008 - SWOONS Members Open Day, Ilton, Somerset

The South West Area Group of the 009 Society (SWOONS) held their 2nd Members Open Day at a new venue, Ilton Village Hall and what a splendid way this was to brush off the winter blues and meet up with the 80 or so like-minded narrow gauge modelling fraternity who braved the floods to visit this ideal location for another of the small informal and friendly events that are rapidly becoming a hallmark of the 009 Society.

8 layouts provided by SWOONS members and friends, a splendid buffet service run by the SWOONS chapter of the Train Widows Society and the world famous travelling 009 Society Sales courtesy of Brian Guilmant. What more could a narrow gauge modeller want on a damp winter Saturday........

A very successful day, courtesy of the well organised and hard-working Group

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